“The old logo taken in the context of DMG’s time is a gear – a rugged, sturdy prime-mover, it was a period of industry development, which DMG was passionate about.
The spokes have an in-out movement and are increasing in dimension from a single inner point, moving outwardly in a circular clock-wise direction ending on the tip of the arrow. The single inner point comes from an infinite or hollow circular well. The whole movement from the infinite well to something big and tangible symbolizes innovation, creation, and entrepreneurial drive.”
“The symbolism of prime mover is still very much true today, although the visual impact of the gear may no longer be in keeping with the times. GIDC is moving from Industry to Investments; from hardware to software & systems. Suggestion for the softer lines for a company in motion and observation of a spiral, represents continuous circularity rather than an in-out movement. This may be interpreted as the vastness of the new ideas and applications coming from the infinite well. Likewise, new ideas breed newer ones.
The GIDC inner shape is a circle — a symbol of perfection.”
– Interpretation by Ralph Lucila
GIDC Director, 2013